Birth Story : Gavin | Jacksonville Birth Photographer

When my dear friend and fellow birth photographer, Dallas, asked me to document her birth story I was elated! She and her husband, Dave, are such a fun couple and I felt so privileged that they asked me to be a part of their day. On a warm Florida summer morning, joined by their daughter, Alexis, as well as Dallas’s mom, Vickie, they welcomed their precious baby boy in this incredible home birth. Dallas’s midwife, Shea, birth assistant, Milkah, as well as doula, Emily, were part of her birth team and I loved seeing them in action. Such sweet care was given as Dallas labored intensely to bring Gavin into this world. It was absolutely beautiful!

Soak up this precious birth story, written in Dallas’s words, as she shares her thoughts on all that happened in the captions that follow the pictures. Their birth video featured at the end of the post.

Husband and doula holding birth mom while she is in labor.

TRUST: I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to be surrounded by people who trusted me and trusted this process. There is no room for negative energy in birth.

Ultrasound picture of baby in utero with a sign that says “We are so excited to meet you!”

PEPPER: My husband jokingly nicknamed our first baby “Chalupa” while we were pregnant with her. This time around, he gave me a deadline, saying he would name this one “Gordida” if I didn’t choose a nickname. Baby was the size of a peppercorn that week, so “Pepper” was the nickname I chose! I gathered a few special items here: my mom learned how to knit during my pregnancy and made the white hat. The album has ultrasound images from both of my pregnancies, and the birds are from the recently-closed UF Birth Center, which held such a special place in my heart.

Husband and wife holding on to each other while wife is having a contraction.

SLOW DANCING: Erin pointed out that we were also slow dancing in the wedding picture in the background! How far we have come together.

Mom holding her daughter’s face while she’s in labor.

MOM’S HANDS: I remember my mom’s hands being so cold and smooth. She stroked my face and soothed me as the waves got more and more intense.

Daughter in labor resting in her mother’s arms.

LEAVING: My eyes are closed in this image, but shortly after this moment I was gazing out into my backyard. This quote that I’ve read a thousand times as a birth photographer drifted through my mind: “It is said that women in labor leave their bodies, travel to the stars, collect the souls of their babies and return to this world together.” I felt very far away from the present in that moment.

Laboring birth mom being supported by her mother and doula

WOMEN: How a woman in labor could have a baby without the loving support of other women is beyond me. I needed that understanding, loving, empathetic energy surrounding me.

Daughter running to hug her mom who was in labor

MORNING: My Lexi wakes up happy. Always. She woke with the morning light and was thrilled that her “Pepper” was finally being born.

Laboring mom holding on to husband while doula supports from behind

INTENSITY: The last half hour of my contractions was so intense. I vocalized through each one, moaning and growling in a way that I hadn’t with my first birth. I felt wild and out of control, but also keenly aware of what was happening.

Laboring mom in birth pool

FRIENDSHIP: Beyond just being my birth team, Shea, Emily, and Erin are my friends. I’ve attended births with them for years (or supported each other in birth work, in Erin’s case) and having them with me filled me with joy.

Water being poured on pregnant mom’s belly while in birth pool

RELIEF: I cannot describe the deep relief I felt of sinking shoulder-deep into hot water. As strange as it sounds, my first thought when I sank in was frustration that so few women in our country get to feel this kind of relief during their labors. I was instantly calm; my contractions suddenly spaced out and quickly turned into pushing contractions.

Husband kissing wife’s forehead as she prepares to bring their new baby into this world

JOY: This one brings tears to my eyes. David loves me so deeply and I felt every ounce of it in this moment. I adore this man.

Pregnant mom beginning to push

PUSHING: I believe this is the contraction when my body started pushing. I remembered this unstoppable, satisfying sensation and knowing my baby would be in my arms soon. I was surprised at how quickly all of this was happening!

Pregnant mom pushing her baby down

UPRIGHT: I realized afterwards that I was upright during this entire labor. That isn’t always possible, but since my labor was so short and came after a good night’s rest, I was able to listen to my body and let gravity bring my baby down.

doula, midwife, and husband supporting laboring mom in birth pool

HANDS ON, HANDS OFF: I told my birth team over and over again that I wanted a hands-off birth. What’s so funny is that they knew exactly what I meant…and it had nothing to do with their hands! I had loving, supportive hands on me almost every minute of my labor, and that was precisely what I needed. But I was given freedom, space, autonomy. No one told me what to do. No one told me how to position my body. No one told me to push. No one touched my baby. I was completely in control.

laboring mom in transition

ALMOST THERE: My memories are hazy, but I think this was about two pushes before the end. Shortly after, I was able to reach in and feel the top of baby’s head.

Pregnant mom in birth pool pushing her baby down

THE HARD PART: In one strong push, I moved my baby’s head outside of my body. I briefly felt the head retreat back in, but I was unwilling to endure this stretch any longer, so I pushed through until the head was all the way out. “Whew, I’m glad that part is over,” I said out loud!

mom laboring and baby’s head is out and she is laughing

HOME STRETCH: “Oh, that’s a big baby!” I said! Baby’s head was fully out in this image and I was waiting for another contraction. I reached down and felt his soft, round head. I didn’t have this experience with my first baby, so I soaked it in, knowing this peace would only last a moment. I think I’ll be 100 years old and still be able to remember the feeling of his head in my hands.

mom struggling through final contractions and pushes as her baby starts to emerge

KICKING: This silly baby decided to take this peaceful moment and kick me incredibly hard! I hollered out, “Stop kicking me Pepper!” Emily said she could feel him with her hands on my back.

baby starting to emerge with husband daughter looking on

CURIOSITY: Alexis was so prepared for this birth. We watched dozens of home birth videos and she was content to watch what was happening without fear.

mom with scrunched face pushing through a contraction

STRENGTH: I had hoped that Erin would catch an image like this and she nailed it. Pure strength and power in that final push.

mom reaching to catch her baby as he’s born in a birth pool

BIRTH: “Reach down and grab your baby!” Shea said. I shifted my legs to support myself and reached down.

FLOATING: I’ll never forget the sensation of bringing my baby up out of the water. I tear up every time I think about it. It seemed like it happened in slow-motion: my baby floating up out of the water, slowly seeing his face come closer and closer to mine.

Newborn baby just after birth being held by mom for first time

HERE: Suddenly, baby is here. In my arms, completely safe, perfect in every way.

birth mom holding new baby with a look of shock and excitement

SHOCK: WHAT?? It’s over?? After what seemed like the longest pregnancy ever, the fact that this stubborn child was in my arms in under 4 hours absolutely floored me.

jacksonville birth mom throwing her head back and laughing with pure joy after baby’s birth

JOY: Pure, unbridled joy. I got my perfect birth, my perfect baby.

midwife kissing the forehead of new mom just after birth

WITH WOMAN: The word midwife means, “with woman.” Shea was with me in my joy. Yes, she is my medical provider. Yes, she was watching like a hawk and ready to swoop in if she saw any signs of distress with me or my baby. But she was also with me in spirit, sharing my pure ecstasy and triumph in that moment. THIS IS WHAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR CARE PROVIDER CAN LOOK LIKE. I want to shout it from the rooftops!

new mom and dad looking excitedly at each other with their daughter and newborn son just after he was born

FAMILY: Our little family grew in the most amazing way that morning. As comfortable as she was during my labor, she was a little anxious about this chubby, purple little baby in my arms. “I don’t want to hold Pepper,” was the first thing she said when I asked her, “What do you think?”

new mom looking at the camera with joy after birthing her baby at home

FRIENDSHIP: It was a joy to share these incredible moments with Erin! We have debriefed births with one another for years, and I was so happy to have her there with me.

baby crying with scrunched up face just after birth

SMUSHY: Oh, how madly in love I am with this sweet, smushy face. “You little stinker, you ARE a boy!” I called out! I was a little anxious about being close to two weeks past my due date, and I had read that this could be an indicator that I was carrying a boy. He was worth every exhausting day!

new jacksonville mom hugging her baby boy just after birth

MINE: All mine. Mine to hold, mine to comfort, mine to love. Forever. No one took my baby from me to be examined or measured. He was right where he needed to be in that moment: snuggled up with mama.

mom and baby making eye contact just after birth

CONNECTION: “Wait until mom and baby make eye contact. When it happens, it’s magic.” I can’t remember who told me that, but as a birth photographer, I try to wait for this moment and catch it. I’m so glad I have this moment to treasure for myself.

PEACE: My birth team stirred happily around me, getting our space ready for the transition to postpartum. But we just soaked everything in, grateful and peaceful.

birth team surrounding new mom and dad as they hold their newborn son just after birth

TEAMWORK: As an introvert and the owner of a small house, I was worried about the number of people I would have around me during my birth. As it turned out, this perfect team was a perfect fit. They each had their own role to play, and did it beautifully!

birth team and family gathering around new mom as she holds her baby

TIME: I had all the time in the world to greet my baby. We patiently waited for the placenta to come and looked over every inch of this sweet little guy in my arms.

newborn baby boy looking at camera while being held in the birth pool just after being born at home

PERFECTION: This will always be one of my most treasured images. My sweet boy, 8 minutes old, blinking in the morning light.

sister meeting her baby brother just after birth

INTRODUCTIONS: Be still, my heart! Having Alexis there to meet her baby brother was so amazingly special. I know she probably won’t remember this moment on her own, but I’m so glad that she will have these images to help her hold on to this magical moment.

New baby being held by mom in birth pool with placenta floating in a bowl next to them

PLACENTA: I know, I know. Most people think placentas are gross. That’s okay. I think they’re incredible. It was my baby’s home, his protection, his nourishment.

close up of baby’s hair just after being born at home in a birth pool

HAIR: Hair! Alexis was bald and blonde, so this full head of dark hair shocked me!

baby feet just after birth

PIGGIES: Ten perfect little piggies to love.

cutting the baby’s umbilical cord

SEPARATION: David didn’t feel strongly about cutting the cord, so I gave it a try. I struggled to hold the scissors in one hand and balance him above the water in the other, so David ended up doing it instead.

mom handing baby to dad after cord was cut

THE HAND-OFF: So many new dads hold their babies with such timidity and awkwardness; totally understandable when you are tasked with supporting a person who is only minutes old. But Dave was a natural with both babies. He scooped him up for some skin-to-skin time like a pro.

grandmother holding new grandson just after birth

MIMI: I was adamant that I wanted my mom to be the first one to hold him after David. She was such a huge support for me all through my pregnancy and she was so ready to hold this sweet boy!

sister looking at newborn baby brother

WARMING UP: Once baby was out of the water and starting to pink up, Alexis warmed up to him.

mom breastfeeding her baby just after birth with a tear on her cheek

LATCHED: Breastfeeding came easily to us, thankfully. Shea was in the other room and I figured she would want to chart this, so I called, out, “He just latched, if you need to know that!” “Got it!”

new mom laughing with joy on her face while holding her new baby boy

BLISS: I was so in awe of how perfect this birth went. I got everything on my wish list. I was in heaven!

new mom breastfeeding her baby while she and her midwife laugh together

LAUGHTER: Yep. This is what patient-and-care-provider relationships should look like.

little girl counting her newborn baby brother’s toes

COUNTING: Alexis is working on counting. She’s got 1-10 down and was able to count his cute toes!

new mom and dad taking a selfie after baby’s birth

SELFIE: Gotta get baby’s first selfie!

birth assistant making a placenta print

PRINTS: Milkah took a few moments to get a placenta print for me, while Alexis watched. A few days later, I photographed the prints and discarded the paper, and I’m working on creating an art piece to print and frame.

birth assistant holding up placenta

MILKAH: This amazing woman is mother to 9 children. I loved her calm, joyful presence in my home.

big sister holding her baby brother for the first time

SIBLINGS: Your relationship with your sibling is the longest relationship you will ever have. It is longer than your relationship with your partner, your parents, and most friends. I felt the weight of that fact in this moment.

family laughing while taking a group photo just after baby was born

IMPERFECTION: I adore the imperfection in this perfect moment. We are a silly, flawed little family and I am so happy we have each other.

birth mom and dad looking at each other in disbelief that they now have two children

DISBELIEF: Pretty sure this was the moment of “Oh my gosh…we have two children!”

birth mom hugging her older daughter, while dad holds new baby

SAFE: Alexis was such a trooper during the birth. But I knew she needed to know that I was safe and that she was safe. She isn’t much of a snuggler, but she sank into me and let me cuddle her for a good long while after things calmed down.

jacksonville dad holding newborn baby boy

DADDY: It was so clear that he recognized his daddy’s voice. He quieted down and listened whenever he spoke.

newborn baby holding the finger of his mom

EXHAUSTION: Once things calmed down I realized how exhausted I was. I was so grateful to be snuggled up in my favorite spot of the sofa!

grandfather meeting his grandson for the first time

PAPA: My dad popped over just under an hour after baby arrived. He loves babies and was so excited to meet his first grandson!

doula photographing baby’s feet

EMILY: I’ve photographed several births where Emily was the doula. She always grabs a shot of baby’s feet and shares it on her social media. I’ve taken photos of her doing this so many times, so it was fun to see her doing it with my own baby!

baby being weighed by midwife and dad reacting

HE’S HUGE: 9 pounds 2 ounces! I knew he was big but WOW, I wasn’t expecting that!

midwife comforting baby during newborn exam

GENTLE: I love how midwives do newborn exams. Shea was slow, gentle, and warm, carefully taking measurements and making sure he was healthy.

the birth team smiling for a picture

DREAM TEAM: I love my team! Husband Dave, mom Vickie, daughter Alexis, midwife Shea, doula Emily, birth photographer Erin, birth assistant Milkah. THE BEST!!!

mom’s friend meeting newborn baby

INTRODUCTIONS: This is a dear friend of mine, who started off as one of my birth photography clients. She brought us food and played with Alexis while we all settled in.

uncle meeting newborn nephew for the first time

UNCLE CURTIS: My brother lives just a mile down the road from us, and he was off work that day. He came right over for some snuggles!

grandparents admiring their newborn grandson

GRANDPARENTS: This is my parents’ third grandbaby, and first grandson. They were just in awe of how perfect he was!

new dad kissing newborn baby boy on the head

FAMILY: Baby in my mom’s arms, getting kisses from dad, with uncle and big sister in the background. Amazing.

baby getting footprints made

FOOTPRINTS: The one unpleasant part of baby’s first day: getting his footprints made!

CRACKING UP: Get yourself a birth team that has this much fun together! They giggled and giggled as they worked together to get perfect little footprints on his birth announcement and belly cast.